Project Youth OC offers programs and services that have been proven to make a positive impact on youth, their families, and our community.

Negative peer pressure, gangs, drugs, lack of parental support, economic disadvantage, and lack of resources are just a few risk factors that can mislead youth. Project Youth OC programs fill a gap in our community for much needed intervention and services that can increase resiliency for youth to overcome challenges and move forward with accomplishment. We have dozens of incredible stories that demonstrate the effectiveness of our work.

Project Youth OC staff is the heart and soul of our programs. We are committed to carrying out the vision of Project Youth OC and ensuring that every child and parent who receives our services has the ability to feel a sense of achievement. As we look forward to the next 50 years, we hope Project Youth OC continues to grow into an outstanding charitable organization that changes the quality of life for so many youth and families.

By learning about and supporting our organization, we hope you will come to appreciate the mission of Project Youth OC.

Rocio Aceves Community Educator

Madres Unidas

Guadalupe CamposCase Management Specialist

STOP SHORT of Addiction

Bianca CarrancoDirector of Development & Communications

Linbert CastelanSenior Case Management Specialist


Laura Corona MarcumExecutive Director

Alejandra DiazCommunity Engagement Specialist

College & Career Access

Nancy GarciaAssociate Director

Fund Development

Manny Gutierrez Director of Program Strategy

Michelle Hammond, MPAGrants Consultant

Eric HernandezAssociate Manager of College & Career Access Programs

College & Career Access

Silvestre LopezManager of Diversion Programs

Juvenile Diversion

Martha Madrid Manager of Parent & Family Enrichment Programs

Parent & Family Enrichment

Miriam OchoaSenior Case Management Specialist

College & Career Access

Roberto Prado GutierrezAccounting Clerk

Isabel ReyesSenior Case Management Specialist

STOP SHORT of Addiction

Haydee Rodriguez, MSWCommunity Educator

Youth Making Proud Choices

Madelyn RodriguezAdministrative Assistant

Frances TorresCommunity Engagement Specialist

Parent & Family Enrichment

Sujei Vasquez Executive Assistant

Martha Veliz Associate Manager of Diversion Programs

Juvenile Diversion