“As a board member and ICAN! Committee member I am grateful to be a part of the launch of Project Youth OC’s new ICAN! program. ICAN! moves young people from a childhood that was challenging, complicated, and fell short of their potential to a concretely successful adulthood for themselves, their families, and their communities. In the ICAN! program, young people will determine what they are good at and get our help in executing on a vocational plan that provides purpose and personal prosperity; something many of them have not seen or experienced. Vocational work in skilled trades supports our communities, supports the person, and supports lifelong self-reliance through accessible accomplishment. It is important work and a work we can all support and work to grow. I am so excited to see what ICAN! will do.” 

– Carrie Foglesong 

Law Office of Carrie E. Foglesong
Project Youth OC Board Member


ICAN! (Independence, Competence and Aptitudes, Now!) assists at-risk, transition-aged youth ages 16 and older in identifying their vocational interests and completing career training at a designated trade school, technical institute, or community college vocational program.
Career-training programs that provide hands-on experience and certifications that lead to well-paying professions with long-term growth and viability are prioritized. Examples include construction, healthcare, HVAC, culinary arts, cosmetology, automotive technologies, and other occupations.
Throughout the program, intensive case management services are provided to assist youth in overcoming barriers and achieving their goal of financial independence. Our hope is that by participating in the program, participating youth will be placed in promising career paths that will lead to a brighter future.

Get Started

Youth will start the ICAN! program after they successfully complete a Project Youth OC Diversion Program and turn 16 years of age. If you would like further information, please contact our Associate Director, Manny Gutierrez, at (714) 480-1925, ext. 114 or manuel@pyoc.org.


  • Orange County youth aged 16 and older
  • Successfully completed a program at PY OC or been directly referred to ICAN!
  • Not planning to attend a 4-year college/university in the next 2 years

Join our ICAN! Connect List!

Each month we will highlight a career field of interest for one of our clients in the hopes that you, or someone you know, may have someone in mind who can simply have a conversation with our youth in the hopes that they will be exposed to someone who is working in their career field of interest and can provide more insight on how they arrived there. The goal of this endeavor is to confirm our youth's interest and to motivate to pursue the career path they have chosen. Feel free to share this with anyone and everyone as we want to continue to grow our network! Please fill in your name and email in the spaces below and click submit. Thank you for supporting our youth!

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Manny Gutierrez 
Associate Director
714.480.1925, ext. 114
Eric Hernandez 
Program Manager
714.480.1925, ext. 111
Miriam Ochoa
Case Manager
714.480.1925 x121