In 2007, The Hermana Project, an HIV/sexual health education program designed to meet the needs of young Latinas was implemented. The Hermana Project has evolved into the Madres Unidas Program we now offer to educate mothers (and fathers, too!) on sexual health and HIV. Madres Unidas is a 9-week intervention targeting Latina mothers. The program helps prepare Latina mothers and the many fathers who also are welcome to attend, to discuss difficult topics generally considered taboo (such as alcohol and drug use, risky sexual behaviors, STDs and HIV/AIDS) with their children and partners.


In 2010, Chicas Con Fuerza, a HIV prevention and health education program for Latina girls was implemented. Over time we saw the need to expand comprehensive sex education for both girls and boys. While the Chicas Con Fuerza program is no longer offered, the health education it provided is still offered today through our Youth Making Proud Choices program. Both programs offer group-level comprehensive sex education for at-risk youth, male and female aged 12-18. Our goal is to promote and improve the sexual and reproductive health of high-need youth populations. Youth Making Proud Choices are evidence-based programs and consist of nine one-hour modules facilitated by trained health educators.


At Project Youth OC, we are proud of our long history of serving at-risk youth and their families. As we do so, we continue to seek private and public funds to support the valuable youth programs that we have sustained for over 30 years.

We greatly appreciate any new support we can gain. If you are interested in making a donation, please DONATE HERE or contact our Associate Director, Nancy Garcia, at (714) 480-1925, ext. 108 or